
Broken heart symbol
Broken heart symbol (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today I kind of sort of maybe ran away. But not really. I wanted to, to read my book, Love and other Perishable Items. However everyone in my home was rediong my brother’s room and jibber jabbering constantly. Just down the road there was a perfectly beautiful and peaceful graveyeard that woujld be perfect for reading but my mother said if I left the yard I would have to face some punishment. So I half ran away after involuntarily flipping out on my father. My yard, being in historical suburbia, is large enough to find good hiding places and safe havvens nestled deep within asweet old apple tree. There I read my book, got eaten by misquitoes and had the inevitable cry. Who could help it, given my situation?

I cried alot, about screaming at my parents, about my mildly depressing book, and about Gavin. I guess I never mentioned him to you before. He’s my best friend’s best guy friend, and they’ve known eachother since they were 2. She’s liked him periodically, obviously, but he liked me. And while that caused friend issues between me and her, she moved on and eventually began trying to set us up. However, I value true friendship over puny middle school crushes any day, so I would not give in to liking him, i cased it caused further problems with her. But he was so sweet and charming and nice to me, that my brain eventually shut the hell up and my heart told me to go for it. And then best friend #2 liked him. But anyways long story short he and I went out together twice but in groups and we texted all the time. Until recently, when I responded too much or something, and he stopped. I’m assuming he realized how worthless I was and gave up, but I don’t know. I don’t even have the guts to ask our mutual best friend if he still likes me. He liked me for 5 months. Any sane person by now would have left; but I guess that doesn’t make it hurt any less.